See all the homes for sale in the Retherford Estates subdivision which is located in the Redlands area of Grand Junction. Homes are sorted by newest listing first. To create a custom search or view in a different order visit our Advanced Home Search.
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Retherford Estates Subdivision

Located in the heart of the Redlands area of Grand Junction, Retherford Estates is a small community of 24 homes. It features outstanding Views of the Colorado National Monument and is located next door to the Two Rivers Winery.
Most of the home styles in Retherford Estates are ranch with a handful of 2-story that average 1800 to 2400 square feet. The houses sit on quarter acre lots. There is an active homeowner’s association which includes irrigation water and the subdivision does allow RV’s and trailers. Children living in the neighborhood will attend Broadway Elementary, Redlands Middle, and Fruita Monument High School.
If you would like to view any houses in Retherford Estates, please call our Redlands real estate expert at 970-812-1122 or fill out the online contact form.